Join the NCRPSTA

Join the NCRPSTA
Police NCRPSTA Northern California Regional Public Safety Training Authority

Benefits of JPA Membership

The Northern California Regional Public Safety Training Authority (JPA) offers a one-of-a-kind unique approach to emergency training, preparedness, and response. Our 40-acre Campus at McClellan Business Park, Sacramento, Ca, offers facilities, training, and services that address the public safety needs and professional standards of local government.


The JPA boasts many specialized indoor and outdoor buildings and props in a training environment that is unlike any other in the region.

Join NCRPSTA Training Northern California Regional Public Safety Training Authority

TRAINING: Member agencies offer a year-round calendar of training opportunities on a variety of public safety topics. All programs are timely, practical, and multi-disciplinary: fire, police, and homeland security.

Group of people listening to speaker

Regional cooperation is the hallmark of the JPA.

Member agencies are asked to combine their resources in support of the JPA. This philosophical approach of mutual aid extends beyond government and professional boundaries. The result is an organization governed by a Board of Directors who is dedicated to integrating training and providing members with an economical means of protecting the public interest.

Becoming a member of the JPA provides public safety organizations with representation on the JPA Board of Directors. In addition, members have access to state-of-the-art facilities and specialized services – all in a training environment that is unlike any other in the region. The annual membership dues represent an investment in a regional organization that is dedicated to ensuring emergency preparedness and response.

Join NCRPSTA Membership Northern California Regional Public Safety Training Authority

There are two levels of JPA membership:

Participation shall be contingent upon the recommendation of the Executive Director, the adoption of a resolution authorizing membership from the member agencies governing body, the execution of the JPA Charter by the member agencies governing body, and the payment of annual member agency fee. New members are admitted upon the final approval by the JPA Board of Directors.


  • $15,000 LEVEL
    Member will receive facility use benefits totaling the membership level plus 10%
  • $20,000 LEVEL
    Member will receive facility use benefits totaling the membership level plus 10%
  • $25,000 LEVEL
    Member will receive facility use benefits totaling the membership level plus 10%

Call now to ask how you can become part of this fantastic training opportunity.

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